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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Mid-State Eye a proud provider of vision care products and services in Central Illinois.

Dr. Grant

Bradley Grant, O.D.

Dr. Grant is a native of Southern Illinois and was born in Mount Carmel, IL. Dr. Grant founded Mid-State Eye in 2016 with the first office in Shelbyville, IL.

For his undergraduate studies, Dr. Grant attended Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, IL, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology in 2003. After graduation, Dr. Grant and his wife (Shaylon), moved to Memphis, TN, to attend Southern College of Optometry. While attending SCO, Dr. Grant received numerous awards and recognition for academic and clinical achievement. He also served as president for both the Sports Vision Society and Beta Sigma Kappa honor society. He graduated with magna cum laude honors from Southern College of Optometry in 2007.

Professionally, Dr. Grant is driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and a dedication to providing the highest quality eye care possible. He operated an optometric private practice in Franklin, TN, for six years, and since returning to his home state of Illinois in 2013, Dr. Grant has been a member of the clinical staff at Gailey Eye Clinic in Decatur, IL. Additionally, Dr. Grant is active in the Illinois Optometric Association and American Optometric Association.

Personally, Dr. Grant has been married to his wife, Shaylon, since 2003, and they have three children, Gatsby, Iggy, and Benson. Outside of the office, you will find him involved in some sort of family activity. He is active in sporting activities, coaching both basketball and the infamous “Pink Eyes” softball team.

In the summer of 2016, Dr. Grant founded Mid-State Eye on the principle that the best service in the eye care business, or any business for that matter, cannot be provided without kindness and compassion for everyone who walks through the door.

Dr. Grant wants to personally thank you for taking the time to view our website and consider our practice. We invite you to read our mission statement below and to come by our family-owned and -operated practice to experience a new level of excellence in service and compassion for your eyes.

Dr. Reese

Paige Reese, O.D.

Dr. Reese, formerly known as Dr. Biehler, was born and raised in Shelbyville, IL. She is excited to return to her hometown to provide quality eye care for the community that has given so much to her.

Dr. Reese completed her bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences at Eastern Illinois University. While in Charleston, she also competed on the EIU track and field and cross country teams. She then moved to St. Louis, MO to attend the University of Missouri St. Louis College of Optometry. Dr. Reese graduated in 2017 and received the Excellence in Binocular Vision and Vision Therapy Award.

After graduation, Dr. Reese moved to Nashville, TN and began practicing at a multi doctor practice. She prides herself on providing excellent eye care to patients of all ages. Dr. Reese married her husband Jacob in 2017. They are both enthusiasts for all areas of health and in their spare time they enjoy working out, swimming, biking, and running. They also enjoy trying new recipes and entertaining family and friends.

Dr. Dunn

Jason Dunn, O.D.

Dr. Dunn is originally from Carrollton, IL. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Biology from Illinois College and earned his Doctor of Optometry from Southern College of Optometry. He completed externship rotations at William Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, SC and Schulz Eye Care in New Port Richey, FL.

While earning his doctorate, Dr. Dunn was named “Clinician of the Semester” and was inducted into Beta Sigma Kappa for academic excellence. He is a member of the Illinois and American Optometric Associations. Dr. Dunn is trained in diabetic and glaucoma management, as well as the treatment and management of macular degeneration and dry eye.

Dr. Dunn’s favorite part of his job is building relationships with patients and changing lives through the gift of site.

In his free time, Dr. Dunn enjoys spending time with his wife, two sons and their dog. He also enjoys playing golf and tennis, spending time outdoors and traveling.

Dr. Mahaffey

Tom Mahaffey, O.D.

Dr. Mahaffey is originally from Geneva, WI. He received his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and earned his Doctor of Optometry from the Illinois College of Optometry. He completed internships at the Chicago Osteopathic Hospital-Hyde Park and the Warren Barr Pavilion in Chicago.

Dr. Mahaffey is a member of the American and Illinois Optometric Associations. He is a past President of the Bloomington Regional Society of the Illinois Optometric Association.

He specializes in contact lens fitting and the treatment and management of ocular diseases. According to Dr. Mahaffey, the best part of his job is seeing old friends and meeting new patients.

Dr. Mahaffey currently lives in Goodfield with his wife, Linda (who also practices Optometry), and their two children.